Organic Fertilizer | Bio Fertilizer | Bio Pesticides | Animal Feeds

Suraj Shree Chemicals Ltd provides agriculture-related products like organic fertilizers, bio fertilizers, bio pesticides, animal feeds and more.

animal feeds

Why Gardeners Are Preferring Bio Fertilizer And Choosing The best Bio Fertilizer Manufacturer online?

More and more people are starting to grow their own fruits, and vegetables in their own lands, back yard, home kitchen, on the roof, etc. They no longer trust that farmers using organic fertilizers. Even if it says organic, there is not al…

Suraj Shree Chemicals Ltd Manufactures NPOP Certified Bio Fertilizers

Suraj Shree Chemicals Ltd is the firm manufacturing and supplying, pesticides and other products used in farming like organic fertilizers, animal feed, and more. The company has a solid presence in India because of its quality products. Wi…